Setting the goals and objectives first will help ensure everything you do with the landing page, and the campaign will be to serve those goals. This way you can ask yourself when determining next steps “Does this help us achieve our Primary and Secondary Goals?”. Stay focused on the defined goals!
I want to collect the name, email, phone number, and service interest via web form so the sales team can follow up with the lead on the phone or by email.
I want drive calls to our inbound sales team so they can provide sales support and collect additional information they can add to the lead profile.
Provide the consumer with the product/service information they are searching for and help achieve the primary goal.
Educate consumer about product/service benefits that distinguish us and provide our competitive advantage.
Did you notice any details in the goals in objectives that would help create the landing page? Take a look, again at the underlined words.
In this scenario, getting consumers to achieve the primary goal will yield the highest ROI for the organization. Then, with the understanding that some users are not ready to provide their personal information. The secondary goal, a fallback goal, provides the consumer with an alternative method to obtain more information.
Before you start designing, developing, or buying traffic, define your overall campaign or marketing goals. Then, think about your consumers and the following questions: “Who are they?”, “Where are they online?”, “What message will resonate with them?”, and “What page actions are desired?”. These are all important questions to consider before you begin.
NOTE: The goals described above are also considered conversions. Througout the rest of this book, goals will be referred to as conversions.
Your landing page is only an element of your overall campaign. The traffic you drive to the landing page is just as important as the landing page itself. Think about it. If a consumer were to click on an ad and land on a page that has nothing to do with the ad, do you think that consumer is likely to achieve your primary or secondary goal?
Think about the marketing message you will use to drive consumers to your landing page. You want message continuity from the traffic source (paid ads, email, social media) to match the landing page. Ad to landing page relevance is super important (also known as message match).
How does the ad help achieve the defined primary and secondary goals? Make sure all aspects of your campaign are in line with your goals. Doing so will put you in the best position to maximize conversions and provide an excellent customer experience.