A consumer may not be ready to call the phone number or complete your web form when they land on the page. Consumers may feel that calling the phone number or completing the web form is a commitment. They are simply not ready to provide you with all of their personal information.
To reduce the commitment barrier, try the following tactic. Consider breaking out your web form into two pages to create a multi-step conversion funnel. On the first page, ask for information that is not personally identifiable. Try asking for their zip code and interests on the first page. Capture that information, and then redirect them to the second page where you ask for their personal information. (Name, Email, Phone).
Breaking out content into multiple pages reduces the barrier to completion. Consumers who start the process and perceive value from it are more inclined to make the best use of their time and complete the process. Insurance companies are known for having multi-step conversion funnels, where a lot of information must be collected to provide a quote. There’s a reason they break out their conversion process into multiple pages rather than having one long web form. Early studies found that presenting all of the information required to get a quote on a single page made it intimidating to users.
Insurance companies found that spreading content across multiple pages reduced the barrier to entry, which yielded a better conversion rate.
NOTE: While multi-step funnels break content out into multiple pages to increase the rate of conversion, having too many form fields or pages can make a consumer bounce or exit your funnel. Consider capturing essential information with the web form, nothing more and nothing less.